EES 2110

The Carbon Cycle: Mineral Weathering

Class #15 (Mon., Feb 13)

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Required Reading (everyone):

  • Understanding the Forecast, Ch. 8, pp. 95–101.

Reading Notes:

  • Understand the Urey reaction that converts silicate minerals to carbonate minerals and vice-versa.
  • How does the Urey reaction behave differently at the surface of the earth (cool temperatures, low pressure) versus deep in the earth (hot temperatures and high pressure)?
  • Understand key vocabulary:
    • Chemical weathering
    • Metamorphic decarbonation
    • Degassing
  • Whatr is subduction and why is it important to the carbon cycle?
  • What is the silicate weathering thermostat?
    • What determines the “_set-point” of the thermostate?
      • What kinds of changes could move the set-point to a “hot-house” earth, like dinosaurs experienced, or a frozen “snowball earth”?
    • How fast or slow is the thermostat? How many years does it take to respond to changing conditions?
    • How does the silicate-weathering thermostat help to explain why Mars is so cold and Venus is so hot?